We Offer:
Traditional Occupational Therapy
Ayres Sensory Integration
Occupational Therapy Evaluations Include but are not limited to;
Sensory Integrative and Praxis Test (SIPT)
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd edition (BOT-II)
Beery-Visual Motor Index (Beery-VMI)
Miller Assessment for Preschoolers (MAP)
Miller Functional and Participation Scales (M-FUN)
The Handwriting Without Tears Print Tool
Peabody Developmental Motor Scale (PDMS-2)
Sensory Processing Measure
Interventions include but are not limited to;
Ayres Sensory Integration TM
Integrated Listening System (iLS)
Handwriting Without Tears
Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI)
Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Technique (NDT)
Individual Education Plan Participation
School Observations
Complimentary Teacher Training
Collaboration with Parents and Teachers
Our Core Values
Engaging Environment
What is Occupational Therapy?
“Occupational Therapy is a health, wellness, and rehabilitation profession which supports individuals with varying degrees of physical, socio-emotional, or cognitive impairments. Occupational Therapy helps clients regain, develop, and build skills that are essential for independent functioning, health, and well-being.
Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants focus on helping children thrive in the “occupation” of childhood-learning, playing, and growing. Occupational Therapists help students develop the skills and confidence needed to succeed and be independent despite learning or developmental disabilities, or behavioral problems.”
*Information taken from American Occupational Therapy Association Webpage
What is Sensory Integration?
As defined by Dr. Jean Ayres in her book, Sensory Integration and the Child:
“Sensory integration is the organization of sensory input for use. The “use” may be a perception of the body or of the world, an adaptive response, a learning process, or the development of some neural function. Through sensory integration, the many parts of the nervous system work together so that a person can interact with the environment effectively and experience appropriate satisfaction. (Sensory Integration and the Child, page 5)
Sensory Integration is an unconscious process of the brain that gives us meaning to what is experienced. It allows us to act or respond to a situation we experience in a purposeful manner. It forms an underlying foundation for academic learning and social behavior (Sensory Integration and the Child, pg. 5)
Ayres, J.A. (2005) Sensory Integration and the Child: Understanding Hidden Sensory Challenges. Western Psychological Services. Page 5.
The Senses
The 5 most well-known senses are sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. However, we also receive input through two additional senses:
The vestibular sense is the movement and balance sense and gives us information about where our head and body are in space. This sense is important because it allows us to stay upright while we sit, stand, and walk. It helps us feel a sense of security and feel regulated to focus and be attentive. This system is needed for postural control, visual motor (e.g. tracking a moving object), gross motor, sports, and self-care activities.
The proprioceptive sense is the body awareness sense and it tells us where our body is in space and where our body parts are in relation to each other. It also gives us information about how much force to use in certain activities, such as how much pressure to apply while writing with a pencil. This input is received in the muscles, joints, and tendons, and is fed through pushing, pulling, lifting, hanging, and dragging.
Indicators of Sensory Integration Dysfunction
Gross Motor:
Seems weaker than other children his or her age
Appears to tire easily
Appears stiff and awkward in his or her movements
Clumsy, seems not to know how to move his or her body, bumps into things, falls out of his or her chair
Tendency to confuse right and left
Reluctant in playground participation and sports, prefers table activities.
Fine Motor:
Displays poor desk posture (slumps, leans on the arm, holds his or her head close to work)
Difficulty with, or avoidance of drawing, coloring, copying, cutting, or cutting.
Poor pencil grasp drops pencil frequently
Lines are drawn tight, wobbly, too faint, too dark, or breaks pencil frequently when writing or drawing.
Lacks well-established hand dominance after 6 years of age.
Seems to withdraw from touch, and dislikes being cuddled or held
Tends to wear a coat or long sleeves when it is not needed, will not allow shirt sleeves to be pulled up
Has trouble keeping his or her hands to themselves, will poke, push or otherwise touch other children
Apt to touch everything he or she sees, “learn through fingers”
May be prone to emotional or physical outbursts when standing in line
Fearful of activities that require movement through space (teeter-totter, swings, etc.)
·Avoids activities that challenge balance and/or have observable poor balance
Seeks out swinging, bouncing, sliding, and/or rocking excessively
History of motion sickness
Applies too much or too little force
Breaks toys easily
Plays roughly with peers
Enjoys “roughhousing”
Auditory/ Language:
Appears overly sensitive to sounds
Seems to talk excessively
Likes to make noises, or speak loudly
He or she has difficulty making themselves or understood
Appears to have difficulty understanding instructions
Tends to repeat directions to themselves
Visual Motor:
Difficulty discriminating colors, and shapes, or doing puzzles
Letter reversals after the first grade
Difficulty with visual tracking (following an object with eyes only while the head is still)
Difficulty copying designs, letters, or numbers
Emotional Regulation:
Does not accept changes in routine easily
Becomes easily frustrated
Acts out behaviorally, difficulty getting along with others
Displays marked mood variations
Displays frequent outbursts or tantrums
Tries to control others, activities, and or different settings.
Hyperactive Slow worker
Difficulty remembering information
Difficulty completing work
Difficulty following directions
Short attention span